
Designed for

Whatever your move is, we want you to make it.
We’re a global family of like-minded enthusiasts driven by destinations. We’re passionate, energetic and down to earth. We’re all going places and need the right the gear to take us there. That’s where Hedgren comes in.

Smart functionality, intuitive design and plenty of choice: it’s great to have a brand by our side that understands what gets us going.

Come join us. We’re all about sharing and can’t wait to hear about what inspires your move.
Designed for

A culture based on 6 values

Of movement
To earth
Hedgrenist Stories


Hockey player for Belgium’s national team
Florent is a talented athlete who represents Belgium on the national hockey team.

Despite his demanding training schedule and frequent travel, Florent manages to balance his athletic career with his personal life. He commutes between Amsterdam and Ghent, two vibrant cities that hold a special place in his heart.
Read his story


Primary special education teacher & cyclist
Nele believes in the power of emotions. She works as a full-time primary school teacher for children with mental and physical disabilities.

She's full of energy and has a passion for cycling. She gathers her energy from moving from A to B and begin surrounded by the people she loves.
Read her story


Beauty editor, co-founder of Moments Magazine & mum of two beautiful daughters
Isabelle is a beauty editor and a co-founder of Moments Magazine. As a passionate storyteller, she always looks for fascinating stories with an emotional touch.
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Co-founder of The Sybarite Flamingo & Moments Magazine
Stephanie is a true all-rounder. Starting her career in Paris and Berlin, she discovered her passion for fashion and unique experiences and now lives in the stunning countryside of Mallorca.

Read her story


Artist,beauty journalist & perfumer
Laura de Coninck is a visual artist who combines her art projects with beauty journalism. She was the first in Belgium to obtain a master's in Olfactory Art.

We teamed up with Laura to create a perfume defined by the Freedom of Movement, one of our key Hedgren values. This brings Laura's dream to life.
Read her story


Owner of Coco-mat bike
Stefanos Alexopoulos is creating quite the storm with the very first COCO-Mat bike shop in the world. He is inspired by how the beauty of nature can enhance an urban environment.

According to Stefanos there is an innate rhythm to everything. By finding the freedom to move according to your own pace, you find your path.

Read his story


Mindbody Coach – Herbalist
Food has power. Don’t take our word for it, believe Lily’s – she knows what she’s talking about.

So meet Lily. She knows all about food and how it feeds not just the body, but also the soul. Getting others to discover the flavor of nature is her move.
Read her Story


Co-founder of PLNT
When Niels decided to take his life off-grid, he discovered a calling. Once an avid meat eater, he became a plant-based entrepreneur who wholeheartedly embraces what nature brings to the table. By developing a relationship with food that is attuned to the seasons, he and his family took on the challenge of becoming self-sufficient. Now it has become a way of life.

Niels’ move mirrors the patterns of life and it’s a reflection he is deeply grateful for.

It is adaptable to change, dynamic, exciting and extremely inspiring. Ask Niels what it entails to embark on a journey of self-sufficiency and he’ll gladly share his secrets. This Hedgrenist is as passionate about being human, as he is about changing the game.


Creative Entrepeneur
Dieter is the kind of guy who brightens up a room just by looking at it. Some people have X-ray vision with regards to seeing the sunny-side up potential in just about anything. A pandemic? Let’s start ‘Disinfect Group’, a safe entry solution that allows event organizers to bring people together again! And surely you’ve heard of Smile Safari? Yep, that’s one of Dieter’s.

Leave it to him to come up with Europe’s biggest Instagram and TikTok museum. Wacky ideas that bring smiles to people’s faces is what this guy from Antwerp excels at. In fact, it’s his core business. Aside from all the fun stuff we already mentioned, he and his team also came up with CityCubes, HAPPI and de Serre. And there’s bound to be lots more to come.

Doing all this while juggling a busy schedule, raising a child and writing a book? Some people seem to have a capacity to multitask equivalent to an octopus’ natural ability to simultaneously play all the keys on a grand piano. Only, bringing Dieter in on your next event will actually strike a chord an eight-limned mollusk can only dream about. So with all due respect for octopuses (or is it octopi?), we’d much rather hear about Dieter’s next move.


Esohe draws from her multicultural background to make poetry sound grand. Her words are like little crystal balls reflecting a bright future, both for us as a community as for herself as a promising student of law.

Esohe is soon to be stepping into the light as a lawyer, so she can further manifest her commitment to righteousness and the connection that comes from the power of word. But the real force to be reckoned with resides within, in a deeply rooted belief in the inclusive nature of love.

At the heart of all of this magic? A talent so pure and uplifting it feels like it drifts upon its own set of wings. May it therefor rise and rise and rise – and show us what really moves the spirit of this gifted poet. Listen to her words as she shows you the way.


It's all about moving people
Hedgrenism comes naturally to people who are down-to-earth, energetic and inclusive. It’s a lifestyle lead by real people, who have a very good sense of what they want. Their need for connection does not exclude purpose, as Hedgrenists can also get pretty fired up about making their move.

They are driven by authenticity and mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries in the pursuit of their dreams. Hedgrenist passion is expressed with the highest regard for others, because their understanding of freedom is rooted in mutual respect.

Diversity is to be cherished and goals can only be considered worth-while if others can benefit from them too. Whether the object of their attention is family, nature or work, their focus is always on the bigger picture. To them, life is an adventure worth living to the max. It presents an abundance of opportunities to those willing to see the world in terms of its potential.

So reliability and smart functionality is key to navigating from A to B. Hedgrenists need – and value - the support of a trusted friend who can relate to their vision. We are beyond proud to share the journey of all the amazing people who are making their moves across the globe. Thanks to them Hedgrenism has truly evolved into (a) movement.